Bilgi için etiketini tıklayın hakkında sözdizimi ve yararlanıyorum.
<A></A> Index
Tanımı: Anchor (Link)
Açıklama: Sayfaları vb bağlantı için kullanılır.
Örnek: < a href="mypage.html">Sayfa git</a>
<ABBR></ABBR> Index
Tanımı: Kısaltma
Açıklama:Bu aşamada gerçek etkisi. Gösterir bir kısaltma.
AÇIKLAMA:Bu aşamada gerçek etkisi. Gösterir bir Acronym.
Definition: Address
Description: Provides a special format for author or contact information.
Definition: Applet
Description: Includes a Java applet. Usually contains one or more param <param></param> elements between the opening and closing tags.
<AREA> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Area (Client Side Image Map)
Description: Used in an image map to denote a clickable area and the associated links.
<B></B> Index
Definition: Bold Text
Description: Displays text with a boldface font style.
Example: <B>This text will be in bold</B>
<BASE> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Base URL
Description: Sets the base URL for the document. It must be placed in the HEAD of the document before any reference to an external source.
Example: <base href="/my_directory/index.html>
<BASEFONT> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Basefont
Description: Used between the header to set the default font and color. This tag has been deprecated in favour of style sheets.
<BDO></BDO> Index
Definition: Bidirectional Override
Description: Specifies a line of text that should overide the intrinsic direction. This element should only be used when absolute control over character sequencing is required.
<BGSOUND> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Background Sound
Description: Plays AIFF WAV and MIDI files in the background. This in an Internet Explorer tag only.
Example: <BGSOUND src="mysong.mid" loop="2">
<BIG></BIG> Index
Definition: Big Text
Description: Displays text in a larger font size. Although not deprecated it is recommended that style sheets are used.
Definition: Blink
Description: Causes text to blink in Netscape Browsers only.
Example: <BLINK>This text will BLINK in Navigator Browsers</BLINK>
Definition: Blockqoute
Description: Designates text as a quotation. Usually indents text and ocassionaly italicises depending on the viewers browser.
<BODY></BODY> Index
Definition: Body
Description: Tells the browser where the body of the HTML document is. Style sheets are the preferred method of controlling the presentational aspects of the BODY.
<BR> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Break
Description: Forces text line to break and start a new line.
Definition: Button
Description: Creates a push button in a form.
Definition: Caption (for a Table)
Description: Adds a caption to a table. The CAPTION may only be placed immediately following the open TABLE tag and only one CAPTION per table is allowed.
Definition: Center
Description: Causes everything between the tags to be centered in the page.
<CITE></CITE> Index
Definition: Citation
Description: Denotes a citation. Usually appears in italics.
<CODE></CODE> Index
Definition: Code
Description: Identifies a sample of computer code. Appears as the browser's monospace font (usually Courier).
Example: <CODE>some code here
<COL> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Column (for a Table)
Description: Denotes properties for a column or columns.
<COLGROUP> with optional closing tag </COLGROUP> Index
Definition: Column Group (for a Table)
Description: Defines a column group to provide structure to table columns.
Definition: Comment
Description: Used to add comments to the code (Internet Explorer Only). Use <!-- --> instead to make comments in your code that will not be read by the browser.
<DD> with optional closing tag </DD> Index
Definition: Definition (of Defintion List)
Description: Denotes a definition. Generally the text indents from the left.
<DEL></DEL> Index
Definition: Deleted Text
Description: Identifies and displays text as having been deleted from the document in relation to a previous version.
<DFN></DFN> Index
Definition: Defining Instance
Description: the defining instance of an enclosed term. Usually rendered in italics.
<DIR></DIR> Index
Definition: Directory List
Description: Creates a multi columned directory list. This tag has been deprecated in favour of unorderlists (UL).
<DIV></DIV> Index
Definition: Division
Description: Used to divide pages into portions with different styles. Will align objects to the left, right or center. Used in conjunction with style sheets this is a powerful device for adding custom block-level structure.
<DL></DL> Index
Definition: Definition List
Description: Creates a definition list consisting of terms <dt> and definitions <dd>.
<DT> with optional closing tag </DT> Index
Definition: Definition Term (of Definition List)
Description: Defines a term or label used within a DL (definition list) element.
<EM></EM> Index
Definition: Emphasized Text
Description: Emphasizes text. Usually rendered in italics.
Definition: Embedded Object
Description: Embeds an object into a web page. Usually used for media files. This is a Netscape tag that works something like the <IMG> tag.
Definition: Fieldset (Group of Form Elements)
Description: Groups related controls and labels of a form.
<FONT></FONT> Index
Definition: Font Style
Description: Used to change color, style, and size of fonts. Has been deprecated in favour of style sheets.
<FORM></FORM> Index
Definition: Form
Description: Creates a form that holds controls for user input.
<FRAME> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Frame
Description: Defines the contents and appearance of a single frame or subwindow.
Definition: Frameset
Description: Defines the layout of FRAMES within the main window.
<H1></H1> through <H6></H6> Index
Definition: Headings 1 through 6
Description: The six headings (H1 is the uppermost) structure information in an hierarchial fashion.
<HEAD></HEAD> Index
Definition: HEAD of the document
Description: Contains elements that provide information to users and search engines as well as containing other data that is not considered to be document content.
<HR> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Horizontal Rule / Hard Rule
Description: Creates a horizontal line.
<HTML></HTML> Index
Definition: Denotes an HTML Document
Description: The uppermost container of an HTML document.
<I></I> Index
Definition: Italic
Description: Text appears in Italics
Definition: Inline Frame (Floating Frame)
Description: Denotes a floating frame within a document. The content to be displayed is specified by the source element.
<IMG> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Image
Description: Includes an image in the document.
<INPUT> Index
Definition: Input (Forms)
Description: Defines controls used in forms.
<INS></INS> Index
Definition: Inserted Text
Description: Can be used to denote where text has been added to the document in relation to a previous document.
<ISINDEX> No Closing tag. Index
Definition: Searchable Index
Description: Creates a single-line text input control. Has been deprecated in favour of using INPUT to create text-input controls.
<KBD></KBD> Index
Definition: Keyboard Text
Description: Identifies and displays text a user would enter from a keyboard. Usually displayed with a monospace font.
Definition: Label (Forms)
Description: Used to attach information to a control in a form.
Definition: Layer
Description: Netscape tag for adding layers to documents. Use cascading style sheets instead.
Definition: Legend (Forms)
Description: Asigns a caption to a fieldset element. The use of LEGEND improves accessability for non visual user agents.
<LI> with optional closing tag </LI> Index
Definition: List Item
Description: Defines an item in a list - <DIR>, <OL>, and <UL>.
<LINK> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Link
Description: Appears in the HEAD of the document. Defines the relationship between the current document and another. Common uses are linking to external style sheets, scripts and search engines.
<MAP></MAP> Index
Definition: Map (Client-Side Imagemap)
Description: Denotes an client side imagemap. Can be associated with IMG, OBJECT or INPUT elements via each elements USEMAP attribute.
Definition: Marquee
Description: An Internet Explorer tag that creates a scrolling text area.
<MENU></MENU> Index
Definition: Menu List
Description: Creates a single column menu list. Deprecated in favour of unordered lists (UL).
<META> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Meta Information
Description: Used to add information about a document for search engines.
Definition: Multi-Column Formatted Text
Description: This Netscape tag displays text in multiple columns of equal length.
<NOBR></NOBR> Index
Definition: No Break
Description: This Netscape tag causes text not to break under any circumstance.
Definition: No Embed
Description: This Netscape tag will appear when an embeded object cannot be displayed.
Definition: No Frames
Description: Specifies alternative content when FRAMES are not supported.
Definition: No Script
Description: Provides alternative content when a script cannot run.
Definition: Object
Description: Places an external object in the document such as an image, a java applet or other external application.
<OL></OL> Index
Definition: Ordered List
Description: Creates an ordered or numbered list inside the <UL> tags.
Definition: Option Group (Forms)
Description: Used to group OPTION elements within a SELECT element.
Definition: Option (Forms)
Description: Specifies the the choices in a SELECT element.
<P> with optional closing tag </P> Index
Definition: Paragraph
Description: Defines the begining and end of a paragraph.
<PARAM> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Parameter
Description: Specifies a set of values within an applet or object tag.
<PRE></PRE> Index
Definition: Preformatted Text
Description: Displays pre formatted text. Normaly includes extra white space and line breaks.
<Q></Q> Index
Definition: Short Quotation
Description: Designates text as a short quote. Similar to BLOCKQUOTE but used for shorter quotations. Quotation marks should be rendered by the browser.
<S></S> Index
Definition: Strike Through Text
Description: Displays text as strikethrough. Although not deprecated W3C recommends using style sheets in place of this element.
<SAMP></SAMP> Index
Definition: Sample Text
Description: Gives a sample output of a computer program, script etc. Usually appears in the browser's monospace font.
Definition: Script
Description: Inserts a script into the document. May appear any number of times in the HEAD or BODY of the document. If the src attribute is present the browser loads an external script.
Definition: Selection Menu (Forms)
Description: Creates a menu whose choices are represented by OPTION elements.
Definition: Small Text
Description: Displays reduced size or smaller text. Although not deprecated W3C recommends using style sheets in place of this element.
<SPACER> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Spacer
Description: This Netscape tag takes up a specified amount of space. Use cascading style sheets instead.
<SPAN></SPAN> Index
Definition: Span
Description: Creates a user defined inline structure to the document. Used with style sheets this is a powerful device for adding custom inline structure.
Definition: Strike Through
Description: Text displayed as strikethrough. Deprecated in favour of style sheets.
Definition: Strongly Emphasized Text
Description: Strongly emphasizes text. Usually text appears in bold.
Definition: Style sheet
Description: Creates style sheet rules for use in the document. Any number of STYLE elements may be present but they must be in the HEAD element only.
<SUB></SUB> Index
Definition: Subscript
Description: Text appears in subscript
<SUP><SUP> Index
Definition: Superscript
Description: Text appears in superscript.
Definition: Table
Description: Creates a table. The TABLE element has no content by itself but relies on other elements (eg TR and TD) to specify content and other formating attributes.
Definition: Table Body
Description: Groups table rows into a table body.
<TD> with optional closing tag </TD> Index
Definition: Table Data Cell
Description: Specifies a table cell's data or contents. Cells defined by the TD element may be empty.
Definition: Text Area (Forms)
Description: Defines an area in which text can be input with multiple lines.
<TFOOT> with optional closing tag </TFOOT> Index
Definition: Table Foot
Description: Groups a table row or rows into a table footer.
<TH> with optional closing tag </TH> Index
Definition: Table Header Cell
Description: Specifies a table cell as being information or header cell. The header cell is usually rendered in bold text.
<THEAD> with optional closing tag </THEAD> Index
Definition: Table Head
Description: Groups a table row or rows into a table header. The table header contains table data cells that describe the content of the columns below it.
Definition: Page Title
Description: Identifies the contents of the document. The title element must be placed in the HEAD element and is displayed in the browser window title bar.
<TR></TR> Index
Definition: Table Row
Description: Defines a row of table cells. This element's sole purpose is to define structural rows of table cells.
<TT></TT> Index
Definition: Teletype Text
Description: Text appears as teletype or monospace text. Although not deprecated the W3C recommends style sheets in place of this element.
<U></U> Index
Definition: Underlined Text
Description: Displays underlined text. This element has been deprecated in favour of style sheets.
<UL></UL> Index
Definition: Unordered List
Description: Starts and ends an unordered (unnumbered list) list using LI tags.
<VAR></VAR> Index
Definition: Variable
Description: Identifies and displays a variable or program argument. Usually appears in italic.
<WBR> No closing tag. Index
Definition: Word Break
Description: This Netscape tag is used inside of a NOBR tag to indicate possible breaks if the text should extend beyond the browser window.